New Year’s Resolutions for 2014

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Today is new Year’s Eve and I can not believe that we will be kissing 2013 goodbye in a matter of hours. I had a busy year in both my professional life and personal life. Three of my kids started school in a brand new building,  my oldest went on a mission trip in Montana,  my husband started a new position with his company and I finally got my youngest potty trained. In my professional life I started healthy mothers Media, and viewed my social media following and subscribers grow tremendously. So what is in store for 2014?Every year I set goals and resolutions in purchase to become a better person. I work hard personally and professionally. This year is no exception.1. personal Life – establish a deeper connection with my HusbandThis April we will celebrate 11 years of marriage. I love my husband, but it is incredibly challenging connecting with him emotionally and I have a hard time meeting his needs. This year I am going to make my marriage a priority and reconnect with my husband on a deeper level. Most of all I want him to be happy. In 2014 I am going to try harder to be the best wife that I can be. By the end of the year my wish is that my husband will be happier and our marriage will be much more enjoyable.2. personal Life – Make much more Time for the Lord JesusI have been slacking on this and feel incredibly ashamed because of it. My relationship with God is very essential and it still needs work. At the beginning of 2013 this was a resolution for me and each year it continues to be one. This year I am planning on making sure I set aside time every day to read my Bible and pray more. My life is stressful and the only thing that gets me through the difficult times is my faith. If I disregard the Lord the difficult times and challenging days will just become unbearable. Only He gives me strength. I also want to set a good example for my children, especially my seven-year-old daughter whom will be celebrating her first holy Communion this May.3. personal Life – Make much more Time for FitnessI am a fit and healthy person but there is always room for improvement. My goal for 2014 is to work out for 30 minutes 5 days a week. With the help of The FitBook I believe I will stick with this resolution.4. professional Life – grow All My social media following even MoreIn purchase to attract larger accounts and brands it is important for bloggers like me to have thousands of social media followers. This blog is my company as much as it is a hobby. I need to be much more competitive with other women in my field. It is very essential that I maintain the credibility of this site as “The top health blog for Moms.” I have researched ways on how to grow Google+, Facebook and other social media sites, for 2014 I am planning on putting what I have learned to practice and chart my growth on a spreadsheet so that I can be accountable and know what works and what does ikke. By the end of 2014 I want to triple my social media following.5. professional Life – create much more Buzz and Meaningful discussions online in health and wellness for MomsI need to encourage the members of healthy mothers Social to participate in discussions, share blog posts, and create a buzz on that website. I am still learning how to grow my social network. By the end of 2014 I would like to acquire 100 new members per week, and have 60% of them active on the site.Blog about topics that much more people will want to comment on. This blog is lacking in the comments department and it needs to change. I offer good quality content, but I know it can improve. My goal for 2014 is to attract 10 comments per every new post. In purchase to do this I am going to run a giveaway every week, and host three memes with linkys. bloggers love to leave their links and people love giveaways. I believe this will be a great way to encourage much more comments as well.These are my five new Year’s Resolutions for 2014. As long as I put my best effort into these goals I believe I will meet every single one by the end of the år. What are your new Year’s Resolutions for 2014?

Om vores grundlægger

Cascia Talbert er en travl blogger, og mor til fem børn, der bor i Spokane, WA. Med en B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mothers Magazine in 2007. The healthy mothers magazine iS rangerede i øjeblikket den øverste sundhedsblog for mødre. Fru Talbert mener, at hvis mødre er veluddannede til sundhedsspørgsmål og hvordan man forbliver sunde, kan de videregive disse oplysninger til deres børn og vende barndoms fedme statistikker i USA

Ms. Talbert driver det sunde mødre sociale netværk på Ning, er grundlæggeren af ​​Healthy Mothers Media og er Chief Marketing Officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC. Du kan følge hende på og

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